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Writer: jaelynjaelyn



that was quite an entrance wasn’t it

so I woke up at like 4:30am (been fighting off low blood sugars all night unfortunately) and I pick up my phone (to check said blood sugar) and I see THIS

and I’m like “dammit not again”

and I move on with my life right?


I notice I have about 30 Twitter notifications. That’s weird.

I open Twitter.



sorry ina.

jk everyone’s really really happy about it, so thank you 🥹 (I can’t look at this fuckass emoji without thinking of you, goddammit kevin you broke my brain)

I still haven’t watched it btw. And I’m not going to! 😃

anyways I’m now going to work on 4 hours of sleep so that’s fun

this is my theme song for this week istg

I have so much to do…. but it’ll all be worth it 😔✊

I love bss

I do also love seventeen but I’d be lying if I said I knew even half their songs but bss has my entire heart

did I ever show you the 호랑해 photo I took with kim jongkook

I love hoshi he’s so funny

god their new song slaps as well

the wordplay in the hook and title is GENIUS

you just have to appreciate the 청춘은 바로 지금 to 청바지 pipeline

like who looks at a sentence and thinks “oh that would work as a 3행시”

woozi. that’s who.

I wanna pick his brain so bad

people make fun of the song for it being silly but THEY JUST DONT GET ITTTTT

I know you get it.

literally every time bss drop a song it’s like we’re one step closer to the world peace we felt when gangnam style came out


oh I didn’t get to show you this!

so jas sent me a late Christmas/birthday gift. It’s,,, something,,,,,

imagine my horror as I open this package and this is the first thing to fall out

if that wasn’t bad enough

this was the next thing I saw.

is it bad that I know what photo that is.

congrats you’re on my desk now.

she also sent me a couple other things lmao WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP GIVING ME SOCKS MAAAAN

the art print is GORGEOUS tho omg plz check out her art @daynajdesigns on insta
the art print is GORGEOUS tho omg plz check out her art @daynajdesigns on insta

the I ❤️ canada pin is kinda hilarious cuz I’ve never been there.

I’ll go this year I promise.

I’m gonna take the sleep mask on the plane with me to seoul just for shits and giggles, I think it would be funny, even if I only wore it for a bit LOL

do it for the content jae


surely tbz headline.

let me be delusional

we still don’t know when it is or where, but my TIIIIIINY concern is when, cuz they JUST announced it and summer is almost over,,, I doubt they’re announcing almost a year in advance so surely,,, SURELY THEYRE NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO BOOK FOR JUNE/JULY/AUGUST THINKING ITS SUMMER-

if they actually have done that I’ll piss myself laughing.



these are for you hehe

I hope k dubbies and j dubbies like them 🥹

I’ve never had my freebies given in Japan before omg

plz pray I get ACTUAL tickets.

this is manifestation.

had my first meeting with the RAP committee today, I think it went pretty well??

I was shaking in my boots man

I have been loaded up with work lmao

midway through the meeting, the realisation struck me

I’m an adult. I have to do adult things. I’m in an adult job meeting about things that affect the core operations of the company I work for.


I still feel mentally 17 bro

I am bullshitting my way through life

fake it till you make it ig

I feel like a piece of jelly directionlessly floating my way through the endless ocean that is life

“that’s advanced poetry right there”


I’m also gonna post on behalf of some other dubbies here as well 👀 we’re all kinda feeling the effects of the fromm restrictions so if I can help at all I will :(

maybe I’ll make a dedicated site 👀👀👀 I’ve been looking at a few options for a while now…. just wanna help people write to you (and the rest of the members) regularly without a 500 character and 1 media limit yaknow

I’m kinda taking yall using fromm more as a sign that fancafe isn’t coming back so I’m gonna take matters into my own hands lmao

if i can get the site to work the way i want it to, I’ll transition over to that fully, but it’s a work in progress lmao

you deserve moonlight yap sessions.

plz give me feedback on the UI as well if you notice any issues, I would be happy to fix them hehe

let me cook.

I gotchu kev.

I do just wanna say this though before I depart tonight

you really seem a lot happier nowadays.

and I think I can speak on behalf of everyone when I say that it makes us soooo so incredibly happy for you

you’ve dealt with a lot the last few years, and we can all tell that the changes that are going on for yall are truly positive ones, and it’s nothing less than what you deserve

so whatever reason it is that you’re shining brighter these days, we’re all so grateful for it, and i’m especially grateful for it

2025 will be the year for tbz world domination I just know it >:)


plz remember ilysm you truly are a precious gem in this world and you deserve every good thing to happen to you

you’re doing so well kev, I just know you’re going to do incredible things, even more incredible than you’ve already been

i am so endlessly proud of you and i am so lucky to be able to be your fan, you’re doing well, please don’t ever forget that 💕

we’ll always be here behind you, and I’ll continue working hard to be a dubby you can be proud of 🥹🫶

take care 케이스



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