this is a bit,,, myspace-y isn’t it.
you do not understand the hell i went through trying to set up this site with a domain that fromm wouldn't block.
would've been fine if .com domains didn't get blocked immediately.
yes i spent money on this.
fromm i am in ur walls
there was an option for me to link music to play on this site too,,, I have refrained lmao
I also did put this in dark colours for you as I am aware you are a dark mode user, despite me not being the same 😔 I have made sacrifices for you kevin I hope you know this
feels like we’re in the dark ages man.
I miss daumcafe
I feel like we have a lot to catch up on lol especially cuz you haven’t gotten the physical letters yet
anyways, let’s pick up where we left off shall we!
so Tay’s signed album and polaroid finally arrived
and the reaction was nothing less than brilliant.
it’s slightly concerning how many photos I have of tay going starfish mode on the floor as a reaction to jacob bae
safe to say she liked the polaroid.
please enjoy.
god I love her lmfao never a dull day with a taylene in your life
you’ll also be proud(?) to hear that she did in fact finally make it to platinum in league of legends so hopefully her one sided beef with jacob will calm down LMAOOOOOOOO
fun fact!! you and jacob both signed the same version of the album for us, so now we’re MATCHIESSSSSSSS

I mentioned this in one of my carrier pigeon letters, but I have made the incredibly stupid decision to attend idol radio on the same night that my flight to Korea arrives. I’ll be pulling exactly the same shit that I did in Thailand, the good old “hop off plane, run to event immediately”
I like to live my life on the edge.
If I don’t get tickets to the japan fancon at least I’ll have seen sunwoo 😫
yeah if you didn’t catch on yet, we did apply for tickets,, (we as in tay, viv and I) we find out if we got presale tickets on the 23rd of Jan so plz pray for us I am desperate
like it lined up so well,,,, and I was already considering a short japan trip while I was in Korea anyway so like,,, fancon in Tokyo ON YOUR BIRTHDAY?? IM THERE. IM SO THERE BRO.
even if I’m way up the back I’ll be happy just to be existing in the same vicinity 😔✊
I’ll let you know asap if I do manage to land tickets ofc 😭 HOW FUN WOULD THAT BE IF I COULD GOOOOO
I even already have a sign idea 👀
I would like to know the dress code tho, cuz so far all the clothes I’ve packed are pink and purple. If the dress code for the 23rd is pink I’m gonna take it as a sign from the universe that I need to be there.
I am doing freebies again hehe

they’re arriving to me this week so I’ll make sure to mail you some :>
I am LOVING this colour palette though, I swear to god if the merch is PINK I’m gonna go BROKE-
Tay’s attending all 3 days of the seoul fancon as well!! Make sure you keep an eye out for her heheh she’s offered to buy me merch cuz I can’t make it to the seoul ones 🥹 it was just too short notice, I didn’t even have enough notice to put in annual leave 😭 she will be there cheering on my behalf.
tay is a real one.
I don’t know how to speak any Japanese. That might be a problem.
so I think it’s pretty safe to say I’m passing my probation period in my new job
I got asked to join the RAP committee in my company :’)
basically a RAP is a “reconciliation action plan” which is basically a formal framework for companies to contribute to the reconciliation movement in australia~ basically the country’s way of saying “we’re sorry we treated you like shit, and this is how we’re gonna stop oppressing you”
my heritage comes from the stolen generation of indigenous Australians, so the company asked me to come in as their ONE AND ONLY non executive on the committee ;-; NO PRESSURE???
got my first meeting with the team tomorrow oh god I’m terrified
could be interesting cuz I do tend to get pretty heated around this time of year, as “australia day” is still a massive debate here, we call it invasion day actually,,, cuz that’s what it is,,,,,, Jan 26 was the day the first fleet landed in australia and started enslaving indigenous people and taking their children away, creating the stolen generation,,, but yes, let’s make that date a public holiday so people can get drunk and be patriotic or whatever -__-
ahem sorry about that
yeah so “Australia Day” is not the date to celebrate thank you for coming to my ted talk
anyways work is going well! I’m learning a lot of new things, my bosses keep asking where I want to go in terms of my career path and I’m like,,, I’ve been in IT for 4 months how the hell am I meant to know what I want to do yaknow
Like here’s the thing, my heart always has been and always will be in events. No two ways about it, I adore putting on concerts and festivals, but it’s not a sustainable or stable income source, it’s so heavily seasonal and I’m just not at a point in my life that I can go 3-6 months with no income 🥲
but IT is a job that I’m decent at, pays the bills, and most importantly, I can tolerate, so imma keep doing it, and I’ll continue my event work outside of that
My coworkers keep asking me why I haven’t monetised any of my freebies or kpop shit, and I tell them every time that not everything that brings you joy and fulfilment in life has to bring you money 💀 they can’t seem to wrap their heads around that lol
when I had audio/events as my main income source, it sucked the joy out of it man,,,,
I’m still in a bit of a burnout period with it, but I think I’ll recover 😉
I’d probably be working on Billlie’s tour here next month if I wasn’t in Korea on the show dates lol studio pav really likes me
the ceo added me on LinkedIn HAHAHAHAHHA
hey studio pav has done tours in canada,,,, maybe I should do something stupid! 👀
do you also absolutely despise the new instagram update or is it just me


I’m so sorry 😔 you deserve better 😔😔😔
I saw eric complaining about the update too lmao 😭 I may have caved and bought his fromm as well,,,, I now have you, jacob and eric,,,,,,, may as well just get the whole group at this point
I’ve already accepted my fate as an ot11 photocard collector 😭 I have SO MANY
I ordered 200 more photocard sleeves and I STILL ran out
how did I get here man. Idk where they all came from cuz like,,, I’m not going out of my way to buy these cards?? they just,,, accumulate
send help my binders don’t close
oh yeah uh just quickly
I did do something terrifying but I’m gonna send it to you anyway
I may have joined a group song cover ><
I’ll put the link here, a couple of us got together to do a cover of timeless and bite back, only timeless has been posted so far but I’ll send you the other one when it’s up as well lol
ngl I’ve been too nervous to actually listen to the finished product.
I hate listening to my own voice so I know damn well if I listen to this I’m gonna hate it and then regret joining, but everyone keeps saying it’s good so I’m going to live in voluntary ignorance and send it to you anyway because everyone worked really hard on it
this is baby steps for me to release my own music eventually lol
ok thanks bye
anyways I might wrap this one up here!
I just wanted to say thank you for all you’ve been doing, we see how much effort you’re putting in to stay connected with us, and I really wanted to say thank you for that 🥹 we’re also gonna keep putting in that same effort for you, don’t you worry 💕
we have a lot planned for you this year heheheh I’m excited, you should be too :>
I’ll try and write here often!! I’ll post the link to the new post on fromm as well when I do upload anything eheh
I hope you have a good night 🫶 you must be so busy right now with preparations for fancon (and probably a comeback too I’d imagine…)
please make sure you’re looking after yourself! stay warm please, no more going outside in the snow in shorts and no gloves pls 😭 you worry me sometimes. I don’t care how canadian you are, we can’t be having kevsicle here
take care kilometre
(please uh,,, ignore the "social links" below this,,, i tried for literal hours and i cant get rid of them so idk if i'm just stupid or sleep deprived ok bye)
so commenting is a thing, that’s fun